Over the next few weeks we will be drip feeding an array of beautifully curated creations to our SHE WHO ROSE Shop that will have you bursting at the seams to try!
Our aim at SWR Shop is to merge Beauty, Self-Care and Design to serve as a direct avenue in spreading the SHE WHO ROSE message.
With SHE WHO ROSE being a mantra of recognition and unity amongst Women, each purchase or gifting is a gesture of celebration for the undeniable value WOMANHOOD has in our world. a GIFT
Who is to be cherished, adored and appreciated..
Thorns 'n all 🥀
Every SHE WHO ROSE treasure serves as a homage to the relentless power that blooms within a woman's capacity to RISE and make BEAUTY from whatever circumstance life throws at her!
It may take time, grit and plenty of watering..but she will grow.. and she will rise again!
This is what is means to be a
We hope you enjoy your SWR treasures and their significance as much as we do!
Love Rose